One week ago, we finished our online Training Course about Theater, Non-Violent Communication and Climate Change to implement in the creation of inclusive Youth Projects through the Erasmus+ Guide with participants from Italy, Denmark, Finland, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Portugal and Spain.

After many postponing of the project, initially planned to happen in person on Spring 2020, we finally decided to go ahead with an online activity. This was our first experience with such an activity, we are used to touch, to feel, to hug, to connect with people in person, but never before online. We had maaaaany meetings to learn, to organize, to reschedule and replan everything we had thought to make it suitable for this new format. In the end, we had an 8-day training course in the space of 2 weeks with morning sessions of 3 hours with a break in between. 

For us it was a huge learning process, we had to reinvent and create. Each day of the training we had a new challenge to solve, and new solutions. And our participants were also overcoming these challenges while learning, sharing and contributing to the project. 

We had theater workshops with two different trainers, Manuela to introduce the participants to sensorial theater and Vitín to facilitate the bubble groups to create the final performance.

Also, Simone gave Non-Violent Communication introductory workshops to implement them when facilitating Youth Exchanges and to create safe spaces for the participants. 

Luisa, the amazing coordinator of the project, helped the participants with the theoretical and practical aspect of the Erasmus+ programme and will continue to guide them through the whole project creation process.

Mónica and Víctor, jumped in for a session where they showed the life in Valdepiéalgos Ecohousing and answered all the questions the participants had. 

We had a great time, we connected with the participants and felt the connection between them. We laughed, we created, we dreamed and we shared. Our hope is for this group we created to continue in touch and collaborate together. 

Even though we would have loved to have these participants here, we are inmensly greatful for their participation online, contributing to safety during pandemic times and contributing to decrease the emission of CO2 with less traveling.

They will always find support in our association and a home in Valdepiélagos 💛


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