“My Cultural Heritage & My Future, the project starts!”
Asociaciación Cultural Teatro Sol y Tierra has begun its work as partner in a new European Youth project that will face youth unemployment by giving value to the cultural heritage in its diverse forms. “My Cultural Heritage & My Future” is a Strategic partnership among different organisations from 6 European countries. The project aims at mapping six local-regional-national Cultural Heritage resources with the purpose of creating a training-educational kit for youth workers, volunteers and institutions based on the knowledge that will origin from the exchange of such practices.
From July the 31st to August the 1st, we were in Larissa, Greece, with our partners AID Alternative Innovative Development from Greece, NGO Meraki from Croatia, Association Regain from France, Kocaturk Danismanlik from Turkey and Diverse Youth Network from Hungary for the kick-off meeting of this Erasmus+ project that will last until 2022. There we started sharing ideas about the implementation of the project, the realisation of the mapping, the communication and dissemination plan and the strategies to carry on the project in this emergency context.
Our Spanish team of collaborators is already active and in our first Skype meeting we discussed the practices that could represent a key for the employment of young people connected to cultural heritage, especially in the field of agriculture, handcrafts, community life and storytelling. Spain has a large variety in its cultural heritage and the challenge is to combine the multitude of traditional resources, both material and immaterial, with the need of the contemporary labour market, providing young people with opportunities at the same time as giving value to a whole system of techniques, stories and monuments that sometimes are taken for granted.
See you soon! Follow us in the next weeks.
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